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Terrariums are getting pretty overdone these days but who cares i still love them! Anyway they are super easy to make! Heres how I made mine:

You will need:

1 x pot/glass bowl etc

1 x packet of large pebbles

1 x packet of small pebbles

1 x dirt (depends on how big your pot is)

1-10 x plants (however many you want)

1 x large spoon

Step 1.

I placed the large pebbles in the bowl first. Just one layer. (ps. scuse the hairy arms ahahahhahah)

Step 2.

Then I placed the small pebbles on top of the large. Like this ^^

Step 3.

Then with a large spoon i filled the rest of the bowl up with dirt leaving about 5cm with no dirt.

Step 4.

Then with my spoon i created some holes for the plants to go in.

Step 5.

Planted the plants in the dirt and we're finished! how easy was that folks.


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